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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
February 3 through April 11, 2025
FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in BAYARD! By appointment only.
AARP Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and/or State tax returns.
You do not need to be a member of AARP.
Appointments are available for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
To make an appointment Call 575-519-4741.
Monday, Jan. 27
Suspicious persons
Cielo Azul Road
Caller advising his wife saw a male inside their yard/cannot see him anymore. Officer - negative contact.
Suspicious persons
2154 E. Highway 180
Female next door at the Bells (Beall's?) touching the lock and walking around the front of the building. Officer – was one of the workers surveying the place.
Meetings will be held quarterly at 6:00 PM with potlucks.
Mark your calendars for the 1st Tuesday of the following months.
March, June, September and December
The Hearth, a nonprofit with the mission of cultivating space for rest, restoration, and reconnection, has now been open in Silver City for four months, and invites further community participation.
The organization holds the view that for people and communities to function optimally, they need time and space for rest and reconnection. Without this, their health, energy, imagination, creativity, and well-being are compromised. Furthermore, when we rest, we are able to reconnect with our wholeness, which is inherent and unconnected from productivity or accomplishment. The Hearth cultivates spaces for rest and connection on its campus for communal gatherings, affordable retreat space, and low-cost office rentals to mission-aligned partners.
Wreaths Across America (WAA) in Silver City is proud to announce a local stop for the WAA Mobile Education Exhibit (MEE) national tour. The MEE started its tour at the WAA Headquarters in Maine and will be in Silver City February 8 & 9, 2025 for a scheduled event that is both free and open to the public. The event will take place at Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center located at 3031 Hwy 180 East. Operating hours are 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 8th, and 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9th. This free event is sponsored by American Legion Post 18, the Jacob Bennett Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, and Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce.
See Flyer below
Friday, Jan. 24
Hit and run
Prescott Street
Car just ran over a sign and left toward Central Elementary. Officer out at caller's house.
Suspicious persons
Spring Creek Road
Caller has been finding burn papers around his property for the past three weeks.
Bird Alliance of SW New Mexico Program: Introduction to Bird Photography
WNMU Harlan Hall, Room 111
604 W 12th St, Silver City, NM
February 7, 2025 @ 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Free and open to the public
Local photographer and Bird Alliance member Paul Granone will provide an overview of why birders may want to use photography as a tool and how to get started. He will include affordable and current equipment options, basic photography concepts, and show sample photos and tips on how to get great photos. This program will help birders take their photography to the next level!
Silver City, NM, January 28, 2025—A representative of the Silver City Police Department will be the guest speaker at the monthly PFLAG support meeting, February 4th, 6:00 PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3845 N. Swan. Light refreshments will be served.
Recent PFLAG meetings have been focusing on the safety and protection of the LGBTQ+ community and its allies in southwest New Mexico and beyond.
PFLAG is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. For more information, call 575-590-8797 or go to www.pflagsilver.org.
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Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.
NOTE: If an article does not have a byline, it was written by someone not affiliated with the Beat and then sent to the Beat for posting.
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It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thanks!
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