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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Monday, Jan. 20
Unwanted subject
Texas Street
A named female is on the property and refusing to get off the property/she has a CTW/she is by the door and refusing to let anyone get in the door. Officer – CTW was issued/she left upon request.
N. Arizona Street
Male threw caller and kicked him. Second caller in a Mercedes 300TD advised the male was going at caller's husband so he had to defend himself and husband pushed him/advised male had been reaching for something before he started rushing at caller's husband.
The regular board meeting of the Upper Gila Valley Arroyos Watershed District will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2025; 9:00 at the Amplified Therapy Conference Room, 94 Box Canyon Road, Cliff, New Mexico and via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 6418 5570
Passcode: 698460
To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-38o8-1569 or email
Rachel with newly planted agave.At noon January 29, 2025, Rachel Burke of Bat Conservation International (BCI) will present her work to help conserve nectar-feeding bats and restore their native habitats. This Lunch and Learn event of the Western Institute of Lifelong Learning (WILL) is part of free public programs by WILL and the Silver City Museum. The presentation will occur in the ABC room of the WNMU Global Resource Center, at 817 W. 12th Street in Silver City. You can also attend virtually through this link: https://wnmu.zoom.us/j/8818268280#success
Rachel has been working with citizens in Grant County and other parts of the Southwest to collect bat DNA from their hummingbird feeders, and to plant agaves. The results will help scientists better understand the conditions that could aid recovery of nectar-feeding (nectivorous) bats.
Nectivorous bats and agaves have a mutualistic relationship. Pregnant bats need the sweet nectar of agave flowers to fuel their annual migration from central Mexico to the southwestern U.S., where they give birth and raise their pups. Agaves need the bats to disperse their pollen and propagate new plants. Agaves also have many uses to humans, and are important to both rural communities in Mexico and consumers in the U.S.
The Silver City Public Library will host "Meditation: A Tool to Balance Your Life," a meditation workshop with experienced instructor William Smith on Thursday, January 30, 10:00am. The session will happen simultaneously in-person and online. Those interested in attending virtually can find registration information at www.silvercitypubliclibrary.org.
"We live in a fast-paced world, filled with challenges and constant demands made on our precious time. Wouldn't it be nice if we could step back, take a little vacation from all the tension and find a place filled with joy, bliss and peace?" stated William Smith's representative. "When we learn how to meditate, we find such a place within our very selves. The practice of meditation is an invaluable tool helping people reduce stress, gain a deeper sense of fulfillment in life as well as foster greater physical, emotional and spiritual well-being." William Smith, retired Army Lt. Colonel and long-time meditator, offers a practical technique of meditation that can positively impact participants' lives. Smith's first-hand demonstrations of this simple yet highly effective method can lead to deeper concentration, relaxation and personal growth. The presentation will also allow time for participants to ask questions.
Saturday, February 1
Radio Mallilla
Cumbia Band!
Doors: 7:00pm • $15/advance $20/door
Radio Malilla is a band that plays a unique style of cumbia music that blends different rhythms and styles to celebrate Mexican culture. Their music is inspired by the groups from Monterrey and Comarca Lagunera, and they strive to be authentic and true to their cultural roots, inspired by the lagoon and regal region of the Mexican Republic. Radio Malilla's goal is to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all, and to share their music with new audiences.
All proceeds go to paying the Performers and Supporting Live Music.
Whiskey Creek Zócalo
Sculptor Michael Metcalf will talk about his work fabricating distinctive metal, stone and wood forms. Sculptures vary in size from tabletop to outdoor installations. He creates works for public and private commissions, some as large as 30' tall. Western New Mexico University recently held a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony in honor of the university's newest and largest public sculpture, Collaboration: The Student's Journey.
Mr. Metcalf has been teaching Sculpture at the WNMU Expressive Arts Department since 1995 and is now collaborating with several former students with Made In Silver City - Gallery at the Murray Hotel.
The New Mexico Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Education at Western New Mexico University will host the 22nd Annual Family Counseling Center Conference, February 7, 2025. The theme of this year's conference is "Creating Essential Connections Through Play."
Additional information about the conference and a link to registration can be found on the university's website.
Western New Mexico University
February 7, 2025, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Western New Mexico University, Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver's Support Group will meet on the fourth Thursday in January, the 23rd, at 5:00, at Cross Point Church on Hiwy 180. Our group lost 3 husbands recently, Tom Brake, Tom McCloud, & Frank Ogas.
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