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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
See full flyer below for information and location.
Bayard Police Department
Friday, Jan.31
Bayard Snappy
Caller says a named female went in and stole a bottle of liquor/she is no longer on the premises.
East Street
A named family is outside fighting/mother, daughter, and sister are physically fighting. Second caller advising neighbors are outside arguing/someone is trying pick up a female but she is refusing to leave. Officer – negative on affray/will check other apartments.
Friday, Jan. 31
Apache Street
No narrative.
Fairway Drive
Caller stated a named male and another male stole his guns and are heading to Las Cruces in a grey Altima/they stole an 300 Blackout AR pistol and a Glock 19x 10 mm/they left five minutes ago/they had three females with them/they are intoxicated.
Silver Street
Caller reporting an assault that happened two days ago.
Friday, Jan. 31
Kelly Street
Officer – contact with male and talked about his RV at the SPIN shelter/will be clear.
Suspicious persons
N. Main Street
Walk-in wants to report a list of things happening on his property.
February 9, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "Get Back Up (once more)"
Lynne Zotalis's talk will relate to her book, "Get Back Up (once more)". "
"I find myself struggling, as most of the people I talk to do, struggling to actually have the positive attitude and outlook we need to weather our present societal miasma. Little did I know how prophetic the title of my book would be. We are somewhat adrift, attempting to navigate these complicated seas of confusion. So, every day, maybe every hour, we need to give ourselves a pep talk and find a way to survive and even thrive these next years," Zotalis said.
A pep talk is what she will try to offer the audience, including playing the piano and singing, "Smile, Though Your Heart is Aching."
Lynne Zotalis is an award-winning author and poet. She is the chairperson for the Silver City chapter of the New Mexico State Poetry Society. Her publications include the R.H. Cunningham Short Story Contest, poetry in Tuck Magazine, Glissando, www.writinginawoman'svoice.blogspot.com, and The Poetic Bond VI, VII, VIII and IX. Mysterious Existence is her poetry collection published in 2022.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, Jan. 27
Unwanted subject
Bayard Snappy
Male in a grey hoodie/he almost got in a fight earlier/looks like he is intoxicated. Officer – not seeing male upon arrival.
End of Canyon Street
Possibly abandoned house/caller can see a subject starting a fire/looks like they are running away from the house/cannot see flames anymore. Officer – female was burning trash in a barrel
Monday, Jan. 27
Unwanted subject
Old Rec Center
Caller says a male is causing problems and wants him issued a CTW. Silver City PD officer went to SOS to see if he went there/issued Armando Chavez a CTW for location.
Game and Fish
20th Street
Caller works for NMSP/she advised she has no G&F employee on duty/there is a deer in a yard lying down panting and is requesting if an officer can go and put it down. SCPD officer – one shot administered/deer is about100 yards south of location.
Westerners International Silver City Corral #36
Invites You to Our Upcoming Meeting
CrossPoint Church Meeting Room
11600 E Hwy 180, Milepost 116
RSVP required
Title: "Bar-E-Bar Ranch Stories and Local Ironies"
Speaker:Tom Shelley
U.S. Army Veteran
Masters of Science in Civil Engineering
NM Professional Engineer
Retired from Freeport-McMoRan (31 yrs.)
Owns and operates Bar-E-Bar Ranch
Member of the State and County Farm & Livestock Bureau
Grant County Commissioner
Grant County Soil and Water Conservation District
Grant County Cattle Growers Assoc.
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