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Uplands of the Bootheel-Eastern Black Range Foothills-
Including the cities of Hillsboro, Winston, and Cloverdale
305 AM MST Mon Feb 26 2024
* WHAT...West winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected.
* WHERE...Eastern Black Range Foothills and Uplands of the Bootheel.
[Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a series of articles on the Feb. 6, 2024, Grant County Commission work session and Feb. 8, 2024, regular meeting. This continues with the work session review of the regular meeting agenda and elected officials' reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The first elected official report at the regular meeting on Feb. 8, 2024 came from Treasurer Patrick Cohn, after Clerk Marisa Castrillo said she had no report.
Cohn talked about the tax maintenance report as of Jan. 31, 2024.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
On Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024, more than 100 people showed up at a huge potluck at the Silver City Woman's Club to honor, thank and send off with best wishes Sister Rita Plante of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. She has served the community for 20 years. She left the following day to return to the Nazareth Motherhouse of the order in Concordia, KS.
The Sisters of St. Joseph have served for almost 100 years in Grant County, as teachers at St. Mary's Academy, and in other positions since the closing of the school. Sister Rita served as a chaplain for many years at Gila Regional Medical Center, as well as hosting a large prayer group, to which many of the guests on Sunday belonged. One photo will show part of the group.
By Lynn Janes
The town of Hurley held a regular meeting February 13, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes, Keana Huerta, and newly appointed James Langley.
The council approved the consent agenda which included department reports and regular meeting minutes.
Lori Ortiz, city clerk, reported they had a lot of projects they will be working on. They have sent out two bids and will have awards to be approved by the next regular council meeting for those projects. One will be for the emergency lift station repair and the A Street project.
By Lynn Janes
The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a special meeting on February 9, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, and David Terrazas. Acting superintendent Michael Koury also attended.
New business
The board has two vacancies to fill. One of the two applicants had not been able to attend.
The applicant would be given three minutes for an opening statement and three minutes for a closing statement. Each board member would ask two questions and the applicants would have three minutes on each question to answer.
By Lynn Janes
The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a special meeting on February 5, 2024. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, and David Terrazas. Acting superintendent Michael Koury also attended.
Stephanie Mendivil, attorney at Walsh Gallego Trevino Kyle and Robinson P.C., attended the meeting and helped answer any questions concerning the vacancy process.
Begay asked if they could postpone due to an appointment she had that could not be changed. Mendivil said if they changed some of the dates, they would have to start the process all over, but for the changes Begay asked if they would just need to contact the applicants and let them know.
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