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By Lynn Janes
The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting February 8, 2024. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza and Trustees Olga Amador, Peter Erickson, and Ralph Trujillo attended.
Mayor's report
Lopez has been meeting with the department heads to make plans on how they could make everything work smoother and improve the process. He had not attended any meeting but would be meeting with the DOT (Department of Transportation) the following week and the Grant County Water Commission after that. He thanked the department heads for all they do.
Public comment
West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet-
East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
Southern Gila Region Highlands/Black Range-
Including the cities of Mescalero, Timberon, Mountain Park,
Cloudcroft, Sunspot, Apache Summit, Mayhill, Pinon, Sacramento,
Lake Roberts, and Kingston
207 PM MST Sat Feb 24 2024
* WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph
These photos were sent to the Beat from a reader about 1 p.m. Sunday. The Beat is trying to get information on the crash and will update as soon as it's available.
[Editor's Note: This is the fourth of a series of articles on the Feb. 6, 2024, Grant County Commission work session and Feb. 8, 2024, regular meeting. This begins with the review of the regular meeting agenda and reports and presentations heard by the commissioners.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
County Manager Charlene Webb, at the Feb. 6, 2024 Grant County Commission work session, began the review of the agenda for the Feb. 8, 2024 regular meeting. With no public input, the first item was the monthly report from Gila Regional Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Robert Whitaker.
Whitaker opened his report by giving the December hospital statistics. He said they had 101 discharges, compared to 109 in the prior year. For the first six months of the fiscal year-to-date, the discharges totaled 526, about 75 less than the prior fiscal year to date in December. He noted that many admissions come through the emergency room and those numbers were down, too, "as you will see. These are December statistics because we haven't presented the January ones for approval by the Board of Trustees yet."
If you receive what looks like an official Social Security Administration document through email, know that it is a scam. One going around threatens to temporarily revoke your Social Security Number (SSN) due to criminal activity.Â
This is the official website of the SSA on how to protect yourself from scams. https://www.ssa.gov/scam/Â
[Editor's Note: This is the third of a series of articles on the Feb. 6, 2024, Grant County Commission work session. This concludes the director reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
At the Feb. 6, 2024 Grant County Commission work session, commissioners heard from county directors.
Jason Lockett, facilities maintenance and grounds supervisor, presented the next report. Under current projects he said they were remodeling the back bathroom behind the Commissioners' Chambers. The courthouse fire alarm install was at 90 percent completion. He also noted his department was working on addressing and completing deficiencies found in the safety inspection that was conducted Dec. 7 with James Chavez from New Mexico Counties. Lockett also showed photos of the new drainage grating behind the Administration Center and other photos of the various projects underway.
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