Republican Party of Grant County invited you to monthly meeting 080222

Please join us:

Monthly Meeting

Tuesday August 2

6:00 PM

The Republican Party of Grant County


Suicide Statistics For New Mexico

The Chronicles Of Grant County

Suicide Statistics For New Mexico

suicide deaths map of united states 2020 cdc three 50This map shows the different


Wizard of Id Comic for July 27, 2022


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

B.C. Comic for July 27, 2022


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni, and Johnny Hart

Timothy Sharp, 79, a resident of Silver City, NM - pending

Timothy Sharp, 79, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest Monday, July 25, 2022 at


Michael John Trujillo Jr., 48, a resident of Grant County, NM - pending

Michael John Trujillo Jr., 48, entered eternal rest Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at Las Palmas Medical Center


Gloria Segura, 81, a resident of Silver City, NM


Gloria Sanchez Segura, 81, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest Thursday, July 14,


New Greater Roadrunner Conservation License Plate Available for Texas Drivers

AUSTIN — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) launched the long-awaited greater


Gov. Lujan Grisham breaks ground on new state-of-the-art residences at State Veterans’ Home

Governor secured $60 million in funding for project; Replaces main building built in 1936



Western New Mexico University Board of Regents: President Shepard Exceeds Expectations

Silver City, NM — On Tuesday, members the Western New Mexico University Board of Regents discussed their


Gov. Lujan Grisham announces Las Cruces as location for new media academy satellite campus

Arrowhead Center location will offer bilingual crew training and fast-track students into film,


NMSU professor continues expanding research on Chinese fruit in Southwest

Growing crops, especially fruit, has no borders when it comes to research at New Mexico State


Lt. Gov. Morales to host online Senior Veterans' Forum July 27, 2022

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device on Zoom from 10:00 am - 10:30 am


Western-Inter States Hydrogen Hub announces a Request for Proposals for prime contractor 

Prime contractor to assist four-state region in federal funding proposal process



Silver Schools issues RFP for behavioral specialist services


Request for Proposals
#2022-2023 Behavior Specialist Services

Notice is hereby given that the


10G Internet: What It Is and What You Should Know

truecable 147361 10g internet know image1
The world is always trying to outdo itself, especially in technology. Concerning the internet, there


NM SBDC Webinars and in person workshops for August 2022

August SBDC Trainings
All trainings are no fee unless otherwise specified.
To sign up or view all


The Roadmap of a Successful Entrepreneur: It Can be Yours

Sarah Breedlove was the orphaned daughter of former slaves. At seven years old, Sarah worked


Santa Clara bridge completion ahead of schedule

By Lynn Janes

The Village of Santa Clara held its regular meeting July 14, 2022. Mayor Richard


Bayard Council approves notice of intent to adopt amendments to utility user fees



The City of Bayard hereby gives public notice of the


PED Graduation Requirements Proposal Dilutes Quality of Education

By Abenicio Baldonado

The Public Education Department (PED) recently unveiled a proposed redesign of


Removed: Virden area alert - low water crossing are running 072622

NM 92 is clear of flooding, removed from NM Roads.

ALERT – Virden Area
NM 92 from


Wizard of Id Comic for July 26, 2022


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

B.C. Comic for July 26, 2022


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni, and Johnny Hart

Grant County Commission holds work session 071222 and regular meeting 071422, part 6

Grant County Commissioners heard a review of the regular meeting agenda and made decisions at the


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