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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}McKinney, Texas - The Lone Star Conference announced that 2,681 student-athletes earned Commissioner's Honor Roll recognition for the Fall 2024 semester, including 907 individuals who posted a perfect 4.00 grade-point average for the just completed academic term.
The Commissioner's Honor Roll is announced at the conclusion of the fall and the spring semesters with student-athlete qualification based on their grade point average for the specified semester. To be eligible for the recognition, student-athletes must have a minimum 3.30 grade-point average for the semester and be on the institution's sport roster. Participants in all 19 LSC championship sports, three non-conference sports, and student staff assisting athletic training, athletics performance and sports information are included among the Fall 2024 honorees.
BLOOMINGTON, IL (02/06/2025)-- Patrick Waters, of Silver City, New Mexico, was named to the Dean's List for the fall semester of the 2024-25 academic year at Illinois Wesleyan University. Waters is a first-year majoring in Undecided.
Waters was among 827 students from 31 states and 28 countries named to the fall 2024 Dean's List.
To qualify for the Dean's List, students must earn a GPA of 3.50 or better during the semester, based on 4.0 for straight As.
Founded in 1850, Illinois Wesleyan is a nationally recognized, highly selective liberal arts university. The University is exclusively undergraduate and enrolls approximately 1,700 students from across the nation and around the globe. Illinois Wesleyan prides itself on producing graduates who are well-rounded, broadly educated individuals with a spirit of inquiry who can successfully adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing, complex world.
PoetryPanel - From left to right are Heather Frankland, Allison Waterman, Abigail Kipp, and Francesca Regina.Winter Poetry Challenge, organized by Poet Laureate of Silver City and Grant County Heather Frankland and the Silver City Public Library.
Courtesy Photos
On Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, a number of people gathered in Silver City at the corner of Swan Street and Silver Heights Blvd to protest the Trump administration's early actions. Among their complaints were the immigration crackdown, the rollback of transgender "rights," and a proposal to transfer Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.
McKinney, Texas - The Lone Star Conference announced that 2,681 student-athletes earned Commissioner's Honor Roll recognition for the Fall 2024 semester, including 907 individuals who posted a perfect 4.00 grade-point average for the just completed academic term.
The Commissioner's Honor Roll is announced at the conclusion of the fall and the spring semesters with student-athlete qualification based on their grade point average for the specified semester. To be eligible for the recognition, student-athletes must have a minimum 3.30 grade-point average for the semester and be on the institution's sport roster. Participants in all 19 LSC championship sports, three non-conference sports, and student staff assisting athletic training, athletics performance and sports information are included among the Fall 2024 honorees.
As many of you know, Silver Consolidated Schools has been planning discussions regarding the potential consolidation of elementary schools, as outlined in our Facilities Master Plan (FMP). Initially, I intended to begin committee meetings and broader community discussions in early 2024. However, our timeline has been adjusted due to a critical funding opportunity that will allow us to make well-informed, data-driven decisions.
In December 2024, I applied for and the school received grant funding from the Public School Facilities Authority (PSFA) for a Feasibility Study. This study is essential in ensuring that any decision we make regarding school consolidation is based on a comprehensive analysis of district needs, building capacity, educational standards, and community impact.
Dear Parents, Staff and Community Members,
At Silver Consolidated Schools, I want every student and family to feel safe, supported, and truly welcome in our schools. Recent changes in federal policies regarding immigration enforcement near schools have understandably raised concerns, and I want to reassure you that our priority is the well-being of every student in our care.
As a public school district, we are legally required to provide education to all students, regardless of immigration status, as protected by the U.S. Constitution and the landmark Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe. New Mexico's Constitution also guarantees the right to a free education for all children, and our schools are committed to ensuring every student has access to a safe and uninterrupted learning experience.
Silver City, NM – Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Frederick Wendler to its esteemed team of healthcare providers. Dr. Wendler, a graduate of Drexel University College of Medicine, brings over 40 years of experience in general surgery.
Dr. Wendler expressed his enthusiasm about joining GRMC, saying, "I love it! Working here—it's the best thing I've ever done. The staff is great and make it so easy for me, so it's terrific."
Dr. Wendler began seeing patients on January 6, 2025 at the Gila Regional Surgical Services clinic located at 1304 East 32nd Street, Silver City, NM 88061. He is currently accepting new patients, and appointments can be made by calling the clinic at (575) 388-3175.
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