[{{{type}}}] {{{reason}}}
{{#_source.additionalInfo}}{{#_source.additionalFields}} {{#title}} {{{label}}}: {{{title}}} {{/title}} {{/_source.additionalFields}}
{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla
Valley-Western El Paso County-Eastern/Central El Paso County-
Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains-Rio Grande Valley of
Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties-Rio Grande Valley of
Eastern Hudspeth County-
Including the cities of West El Paso, Fort Hancock, Vado,
Downtown El Paso, Hueco Tanks, Indian Hot Springs, East and
Northeast El Paso, Fort Bliss, Las Cruces, Socorro, Columbus,
Loma Linda, Tornillo, Fabens, Deming, Upper Valley, and Sunland
Upper Gila River Valley-Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-
Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-
Uplands of the Bootheel-Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-
Eastern Black Range Foothills-Sierra County Lakes-Northern Dona Ana County-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley-
West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet-
East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-Otero Mesa-
Central Grant County/Silver City Area-
Southern Gila Region Highlands/Black Range-
Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-Northern Dona Ana County-
Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley-
West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet-
East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-Otero Mesa-West Central Tularosa Basin/White Sands-Southeast Tularosa Basin-Western El Paso County-Eastern/Central El Paso County-Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains-Salt Basin-Southern Hudspeth Highlands-Rio Grande Valley of Eastern El Paso/Western Hudspeth Counties-Rio Grande Valley of Eastern Hudspeth County-Including the cities of Deming, Columbus, Garfield, Hatch,Radium Springs, Las Cruces, Vado, Sunland Park, Mescalero,Timberon, Mountain Park, Cloudcroft, Sunspot, Apache Summit,
Upper Gila River Valley-Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-
Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-
Uplands of the Bootheel-Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-
Eastern Black Range Foothills-Sierra County Lakes-
Northern Dona Ana County-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley-
West Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet-
East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-Otero Mesa-
Central Grant County/Silver City Area-
Southern Gila Region Highlands/Black Range-
Upper Gila River Valley-Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-Uplands of the Bootheel-Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-Eastern Black Range Foothills-Sierra County Lakes-Northern Dona AnaCounty-Otero Mesa-Central Grant County/Silver City Area-West Central Tularosa Basin/White Sands-East Central Tularosa
Basin/Alamogordo-Southeast Tularosa Basin-Northern Hudspeth Highlands/Hueco Mountains-Salt Basin-Southern Hudspeth Highlands-Including the cities of Radium Springs, Spaceport, Holloman AFB, Hueco Tanks, Red Rock, Hurley, Animas, Truth Or Consequences, Mimbres, White Sands Range Headquarters, Deming, Chaparral, Salt Flat, Hatch, Faywood,
Fair Driving Conditions in Silver City Area
Silver City is reporting roadways as clear and wet but may become icy overnight. NM 152 Emory Pass, NM 15 and NM 35 are still snow packed & icy. Please drive with caution, reduce speed, and obey all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT is out plowing roadways and will continue to monitor conditions. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Sacramento Mountains Above 7500 Feet-Southern Gila Region
Highlands/Black Range-
Including the cities of Lake Roberts, Apache Summit, Sunspot,
Kingston, and Cloudcroft
148 AM MST Thu Jan 9 2025
* WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 15 below zero expected.
Upper Gila River Valley-Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-
Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-
Uplands of the Bootheel-Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-Eastern
Black Range Foothills-Sierra County Lakes-Northern Dona Ana
County-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley-West Slopes
Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-East Slopes Sacramento
Mountains Below 7500 Feet-Otero Mesa-Central Grant County/Silver
City Area-West Central Tularosa Basin/White Sands-East Central
Tularosa Basin/Alamogordo-Southeast Tularosa Basin-
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