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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
I think Americans are tired of diversity, equity, and inclusion as defined and implemented by the woke progressives. Like many programs or policies implemented by politicians or pseudointellectuals, they express goals or philosophies that most of us support in principle. America was a nation that invited all to come here regardless of ethnicity, social or economic class. We don't care who you are as long as you come here to contribute to our society and assimilate to our culture.
But DEI in practice is nothing more than virtue signaling and discrimination. We have seen how it promotes diversity and inclusion based solely upon some favored demographic characteristic while telling those of these so-called privileged demographics that they are terrible people and must subvert their interests to those that are favored under such program.
Critics of Donald Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants generally have two objections; the cost and logistics are prohibitive, and you will be splitting up families. My response to those criticisms is since when did the government care about how much money something was going to cost? And American families are regularly split up when a parent gets arrested for domestic violence or driving while intoxicated for example. But let's look at the reality of what Trump is going to do.
First, we have to understand that these people have broken the law to come here whether their intentions or honorable or less than honorable. But Trump will begin to focus on those that have criminal records and are making our streets unsafe. If you think crime committed by illegal immigrants is not the problem, you need to quit looking at the FBI and Department of Justice statistics because they have testified in front of Congress that they are no longer collecting all of that data from the states. Go look at the state databases especially in Texas, Florida, New York, and California and you will see that illegal immigrant violent crime especially is on the rise.
In the wake of Donald trump's victory over Kamala Harris, the losing side is going through the typical analysis of what happened. There are, of course, a lot of opinions, many of them focusing on misogyny and racism, the typical response from progressives when they don't get their way. But among the less emotional and delusional analysts, there's a discussion about the changing landscape in the media. A lot of that discussion centers around Kamala Harris's decision to not appear on Joe Rogan's podcast and Donald Trump's decision to spend 3 hours with him.
Bernie Sanders believes that decision was significant in the final outcome. Many media and political pundits believe young men who were on the fence or not going to vote, changed their mind after listening to the episode. He believes that Harris could have at the very least, pulled a few of those young men away from Trump. Whether or not it would have been enough to change the outcome of the election is doubtful, but the overall point is podcasters might have more influence than the Democrat party realized.
I've seen this and am wondering what Mike has to say about it.
Do I believe in myself? I think so! Do you believe in yourself?
Democrats count on two things in order to win elections: low information voters and cheating. Let's be clear about one thing, when I say Democrats, I am talking about the Democrat political machine that includes a number of Rinos and not the average citizen. I have expanded extensively on the problems with voting in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Virginia, and other states in my podcasts on the Grant County Beat and on the My World Facebook page. Their machine, backed by the Department of Justice, is already taking significant steps to ensure, in their minds, a Harris victory.
Yes, we know why!
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