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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
As we celebrate another Fourth of July holiday, I had anticipated writing a column celebrating the ideals and principles upon which this nation was founded. But as is the case with any person writing something, sometimes the motivation or mood just is not there. Don't get me wrong, I love our country and the principles upon which it was founded. But watching the puppeteers successfully convincing people to run down a path that will destroy our country is depressing. Some days, it's difficult to write something positive. I'll take a break and head down the road to something a bit more amusing. People watching.
I did not watch the debate last night. I will watch it later this weekend. I prefer to read and watch the reactions among the propaganda arm of the federal government as well as among my acquaintance group. Then I'll watch it and see who had a more accurate depiction. Sadly, the depiction among mainstream media was predictable and consistent.
I went to the websites of MSNBC, CNN, ABC and others and listen to a little bit on radio. As they generally do, their headlines were written and repeated verbatim. Biden disappoints: Trump lies and deflects. Apparently mainstream media now believes they can't lie to us about Joe biden's mental acuity or lack thereof. They will now admit that he is having issues and the claim that the videos we've seen before were cheap fakes created by artificial intelligence. Now the discussion about who replaces him will pick up steam.
Will Mike tell us today if woke is dead or not?
We are obsessed with labels. Your generation must have a name; pronouns; gender; you name it, we have to label almost everything. The most recent is Sigma male. The Sigma male is considered by many to be the top of the proverbial food chain. The Sigma celebrates toxic masculinity embracing everything that the woke crowd hates about men. It's not enough to be an Alpha male, the Sigma sneers at the Alpha.
Andrew Tate is a social media influencer that epitomizes for many the ultimate Sigma male. He is obsessing with his physique, often going shirtless during his podcast or television interviews. He espouses materialism living a lifestyle committed to the pursuit of the trappings of the rich and famous. Expensive cars, multiple mansions, gold chains, private airplanes, and yachts. He also keeps wads of cash and scantily clad women around.
Not being a frequent watcher of sports, I'm wondering what Tom Brady said, because I usually have liked what he said.Â
Hmmm, whose rights win out? Three guesses and the first two probably don't count!
Hmmm. Looking forward to listening to this one!
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