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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
Wondering what Mike has to say today? So am I. Diving in to listen.
Joe Biden was giving a campaign speech last week in which he said "Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?" You're darn right I am. Democracy is not truly freedom. Democracy is an illusion of freedom that ends when you hold a minority opinion. That ends when the majority thinks that you're rights are secondary. A Federal Republic, which I believe Joe Biden's handlers do not want, protects the rights of minorities.
As many of you know or are going to find out if you haven't already, insurance premiums are increasing significantly. More importantly, many companies are not renewing or writing new business in certain areas, leaving people scrambling to find insurance for their home. Lastly, many insurance companies are pulling out of New Mexico, especially those that write commercial or business insurance. It is making it very difficult for individuals and businesses.
Part of the reason for premium increases, especially in the personal auto and homeowner segment is inflation. Automobile repair costs and home construction costs have skyrocketed in the last two years. On average automobile parts and construction materials are 39% more expensive today than they were in April of 2022.
I know I'll agree with this one. Getting ready to listen.
Donald Trump was convicted of committing fraud in obtaining loans from banks. He was accused of overvaluing his real estate assets. He did the same thing that every other commercial borrower does with commercial banks. The banks did their own evaluation and terms were negotiated that were acceptable to both parties. Trump then paid back the loans as scheduled. What happens when a political insider and donor to high profile politicians does something similar? Crickets.
Plug Power is a major player in the hydrogen fuel cell industry. It is a company that I have talked about favorably as I am a proponent of hydrogen fuel cells. The technology is more advanced than wind and solar. There are no environmentally damaging byproducts as there are with electric vehicles. Plug power was on the cutting edge of this technology.
Wondering what he has to say about this? I am, and I apologize for not posting it yesterday. It got lost on my desktop.
We all know, but some won't admit, that solar and wind generated power is much more costly, not as efficient, and not as environmentally friendly as is claimed by its proponents. Large scale wind and solar farms face several challenges that are rarely discussed. We all know that weather conditions dictate when such installations can provide electricity, wind for windmills and sun for solar arrays. Obviously when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine, electricity isn't generated. But there's another aspect to weather that threatens solar arrays even more.
I'm guessing it was some years, maybe decades back? I'm about to find out.Â
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