Patience, please, with the Beat downtime

We greatly appreciate you, our readers of the Beat!

You may have noticed lately that the Beat is sometimes offline during the day, although it comes back within a short time.

Please be patient as we endeavor to find and fix the problem.

My awesome webmaster has been trying for as long as the problem has existed to figure out what the issue is. She has ruled out several possibilities, but the gremlin causing the website issues has so far eluded us.

We will continue to post news and notices and will let you know when we have solved the issue.

Thanks again for your patience!

Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon 050224

Photos by Lynn Janes
Article by Mary Alice Murphy

dsc 0023Silver City Fire Chief Milo LambertThe May 2, 2024 Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon, which took place at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center, featured Silver City Fire Chief Milo Lambert as the first speaker.

He began with a history of the Silver City Fire Department. The department began even before Silver City received its territorial charter in 1878. In 1875, a group of volunteers organized the first fire department and acquired the first fire engine in the Territory of New Mexico, a horse-drawn "chemical" engine.

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Firefighters near completion for the Antone Fire

SILVER CITY, NM, June 13, 2024 –Firefighters have made substantial progress on the Antone Fire. Crews will be securing the perimeter simultaneously with ignitions being conducted on the northern half of the fire. Mop-up continues on the southern portion.There are currently 150 personnel assigned to the incident.

“Unfortunately, smoke is a byproduct of all fires and sadly it’s unavoidable,” said Quemado District Ranger and long-time local, Randall Chavez. “We appreciate the public’s patience and support while firefighters complete their work.”

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Fiesta Latina video of painted figures and alebrijes

Video by Martha Hamblen

This video shows up close the work of Augustin Cruz Tinoco of Oaxaca with  his painted wood figures and alebrijes.

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GRMC held Board of Trustees meeting 042424

By Mary Alice Murphy

At the Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees meeting on April 24, 2024, Chairman Dr. Fred Fox recognized two employees for their years of service. Neither was available for the meeting. Jaime Jaramillo has served 10 years at the Gila Family Practice, and Tiffany Rascon has served five year with Beginning Years.

With no public input, members reviewed the consent agenda.

Board member Will Hawkins asked if the board could allow questions before approving the consent agenda.

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Cross Point Church hosts lunch for veterans 060924

Presentation made to World War II veteran's family

Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

Cross Point Church Pastor Tim Heyer introduced the Gaffney-Oglesby Marine Corps League Detachment 1328 Color Guard, who posted the colors.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Grant County Sheriff's Office Chaplain Danny Castillo gave the invocation.

He also said: "On behalf of all veterans, we appreciate what Cross Point Pastor Tim does for veterans."

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Traffic Alert Update Chip seal operations continue in Grant Co. June 11, 2024

Motorists should expect roadway closures. 

SILVER CITY- The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One along with Highland Enterprise Inc. (Contractor) will be continuing a maintenance operation project to place “chip seal” pavement on NM 15 and NM 35 in Grant County. The chip seal process is a surface treatment that is placed on the existing pavement. It is designed to seal out moisture and create a more durable surface extending the longevity of the roadway.  

Starting Thursday, June 13th NM 35 will have crews beginning construction from milepost 27 (NM15/NM 35 intersection) to milepost 0 (NM 35/NM 152 intersection). Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures and reduced speeds, please expect minor delays. Working hours will be seven days a week from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., use extreme caution loose gravel and no center lane stripping will be present in construction zone. Wait times are estimated at 30 minutes.

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Freeport CEO Kathleen L. Quirk to Receive The Copper Club’s Ankh Award  

To download a PDF of the release, please visit the following link: Freeport CEO Kathleen L. Quirk to Receive The Copper Club’s Ankh Award

PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX) today announced Kathleen L. Quirk will receive the Ankh Award at The Copper Club’s annual dinner on June 12, 2024, in recognition of her exceptional leadership and commitment to the copper industry. The Ankh Award has been bestowed annually since 1962 to professionals who have made extraordinary contributions to the copper industry.

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