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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}WNMU President Joseph Shepard and Regent Chair Mary HotvedtWNMU President Joseph Shepard resigns
By Mary Alice Murphy
The Western New Mexico Board of Regents called a public meeting to order after an executive session on Friday, Dec. 20, 2024.
Board Chair Mary Hodvedt presented the reason for the special meeting. "We went into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of limited personnel matters, an update on possible personnel actions and discussion of president's contract and legal matters subject to attorney client privilege concerning threatening or pending litigation. The new business is the President's contract. I would like to turn this over to our personnel committee for a moment to take us into this issue, and I will ask you, Regent Daniel Lopez to speak to it. Lopez, Regent Dal Moellenberg and I were named to a Personnel Committee for the purpose of deciding how best to proceed forward with a Separation Agreement with the President. We consulted with our attorney, as well as Dr. Shepard's. We also consulted Dr Shepherd on points that we thought needed clarification or adjustment modification. I think we were satisfied that those things that we thought might give rise to difficulties in the future we were able to modify them both in the contract and a letter that later on, Dr Sheppard intends to share with the board."
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
On Saturday, December. 14, 2024, the Silver City Museum hosted its annual Victorian Christmas. The event featured information booths, a visit with Father Christmas, musical and dancing entertainment, vendors of various arts and crafts, and food vendors. The museum courtyard filled with people to enjoy the music and camaraderie.
US 180 Roadway closure for Blasting
Traffic Alert – Roadway closure expected to last 30 minutes
SILVER CITY - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One, in partnership with Mountain States Constructors, Inc., is continuing with the widening of U.S. 180 from a 2-lane to a 4-lane road from Bayard to Hurley.
Crews have planned a test blast for Thursday, December 19, 2024, starting at 12 p.m. U.S. 180 will be closed from Lusk St. to the Bayard Cemetery at milepost 125.8. Please expect delays. This closure is expected to last 30 minutes.
The NMDOT is committed to the safety of the traveling public and thanks you for your cooperation during this work. For updated information go to: NMDOT at www.nmroads.com or call 511.
NM 61 is now open, removed from NM Roads.
LANE CLOSURE – Silver City/Faywood Area
NM 61 is closed down to one lane at milepost 11 due to tree removal, a flagging operation is in place. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.
CLOSURE – Silver City/Faywood Area
NM 61 is closed in both directions from the junction of US 180 to the junction of NM 152 due to a tree fall. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.
To download a PDF of the release, please visit the following link: Freeport Declares Quarterly Cash Dividends on Common Stock
PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Freeport (NYSE: FCX) announced today that its Board of Directors declared cash dividends of $0.15 per share on FCX’s common stock payable on February 3, 2025, to shareholders of record as of January 15, 2025. The declaration includes a base dividend of $0.075 per share and variable dividend of $0.075 per share in accordance with FCX's performance-based payout framework. The payment of dividends is at the discretion of the Board, which will consider FCX's financial results, cash requirements, global economic conditions and other factors it deems relevant.
FREEPORT: Foremost in Copper
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting November 26, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, as well as CouncilorsRudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince and Stan Snider.
The town of Silver City presented James Marshall, assistant town manager, a certificate of appreciation for his many years of service and leadership to the community. He will be retiring on December 31, 2024
He had made a lasting impact on the community and his legacy will inspire many. Ladner said he would be missed
Marshall thanked them for the certificate and thanked his wife. He wanted everyone to remember it has been the employees of the city that make things happen. He had never painted a stripe or filled in a pothole. The town presented him with a new coat.
By Lynn Janes
The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting on November 18, 2024, at Central Elementary School in Santa Clara. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana, David Terrazas (online), Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia. Superintendent Michael Koury also attended.
Dottie Pfeifer with Kiwanis attended to present the student of the month awards.
Nicholas Zamora, Cobre High School senior, has a 3.607 GPA and always has been consistent in his schoolwork. He participates in the wrestling team and golf team. Zamora plans to attend New Mexico State University and will be considering the ROTC program. He plans to major in business.
Caedyn Dominguez, a student from Snell Middle School, stays engaged on task and motivated to learn. He has always been willing to give his time and energy to assist in any way possible. He is also an excellent role model.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
Master of Ceremonies Tom Shelley welcomed everyone. "We have more than 600 sponsors this year, and for the seventh year in a row, we have enough wreaths, 4,900, to put a wreath on every marker here in the Fort Bayard National Cemetery. This annual event honors the fallen, as well as the P.O.Ws (prisoners of war) and M.I.A.s (missing in action). It is a remembrance of all who have served."He recognized every member of the Wreaths Across America Grant County committee, asked them to stand and be recognized.
He requested a moment of silence to honor those who have served.
The colors were posted by two members of the Grant County Veterans Coalition Color Guard, Lorraine Anglin sang The National Anthem and Silver High School National Honor Society students led The Pledge of Allegiance.
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