Grant County Commission work session 050724 and regular meeting 050924. part 4

[Editor's Note: This is the fourth and final in a series of articles on the May 7, 2024 Grant County Commission work session and decisions made at the regular meeting on May 9, 2024. This article continues at the work session with the review of the regular meeting agenda.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

During the review of the May 9, 2024 regular meeting agenda at the May 7, work session, County Manager Charlene Webb presented the financial reports. The first listed the April expenditures for the period ending April 30, 2024. Expenditures totaled $3,676, 200.04, which included pay periods 7 and 8 of $514,587.20. Extraordinary expenses above $!0,000 are listed in the PDF below.

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Parade and fireworks videos from July 4, 2024

Four videos by Martha Hamblen

The two of the parade she took from the float she traveled on - the American Legion Post 18 float.

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 Lightning-caused Ridge Fire grows to 100 acres

MIMBRES, NM, July 7, 2024 – The Ridge Fire on the Gila National Forest, Wilderness Ranger District has grown to 100 acres, moving to the southwest toward Iron Creek Mesa Trail and Willow Creek as it follows grass and dead and down timber in an old burn scar. Additional firefighting resources are arriving today and tomorrow.

"Hot, dry weather over the past couple of days has made fuels in the area more receptive to fire," said Wilderness District Ranger Brian Stultz. "Persistent hot, dry weather today and tomorrow, with moderate winds, will continue to support moderate fire growth."

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Gila National Forest responding to Lolo Fire near Quemado Lake  

QUEMADO, NM, July 6, 2024 – Firefighters are suppressing the 100-acre Lolo Fire on the Gila National Forest, Quemado Ranger District. It is located near the Escondido Mountain area, approximately 6 miles northeast of Quemado Lake, New Mexico. The lightning-caused fire was reported Friday, July 5. Due to its remote location and steep, inaccessible terrain, a confine and contain strategy will be applied, using area roads and natural features to limit the fire’s spread.

"Ground and air resources have been working since yesterday to contain this fire on top of the knob at the top of Lolo Canyon, however, fire has entered steep, inaccessible terrain where it is not safe for firefighters to work," said Quemado District Ranger Randall Chavez. "Therefore, a less direct approach will be used to contain the fire within a larger area using roads and natural features."

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Gila National Forest suppressing Lost Fire near Mogollon, New Mexico

GLENWOOD, NM, Date, 2024 – Firefighters are suppressing the lightning-caused Lost Fire, located on top of a ridge north of Whitewater Creek and approximately 2 miles southeast of Mogollon, New Mexico, south of the Bursum Road. Reported on Friday, July 5, it has grown to 30 acres. It is 15% contained, with 42 firefighting resources currently engaged in full suppression activities.

"The Lost Fire is burning in remote, difficult terrain in heavy dead and down fuels from the 2012 Whitewater Baldy Fire," said Silver City District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "A helicopter is being used today to douse the fire with water it has been effective at slowing the fire's forward progression."

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Lightning-caused Ridge Fire burns on Gila National Forest

Ridge Fire burns in northern Gila Wilderness

MIMBRES, NM, July 5, 2024 – The Gila National Forest is responding to a new lightning-caused wildfire along the northern edge of the Gila Wilderness, about 19 miles northeast of Glenwood, New Mexico. The 55-acre Ridge Fire is burning in the 2012 Whitewater Baldy Fire scar on Iron Creek Mesa, east of Willow Creek Campground.

"The Ridge Fire is burning in a patch of snags created by the 2006 Bear Fire, where it is not safe to place firefighters for direct control measures," said Wilderness District Ranger Brian Stultz. "Firefighters will utilize existing trails and natural features to confine and contain the fire on Iron Creek Mesa."

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St. Francis Newman Center Parish gives big sendoff to Father Bartholomew Ezenwelem

Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

Organizers of the event on the afternoon of June, 30, 2024, chose to hold the farewell potluck lunch at the Bataan Memorial Park Pavilion. Parishioners and friends of Father Bartholomew Ezenwelem, including other priests from the region, Father Kasimir from Hurley and Father Emmanuel from Alamogordo. The attendees filled all tables and extra chairs. The meal was catered and attendees provided side dishes and lots of desserts. 

Robert Lopez served as master of ceremonies for the program. His wife, Danna Lopez, parish secretary, served as one of the organizers, as did Shannon Mittica, and others. [Editor's Note: Please email  the names this author failed to write down.]

Entertainment included the Silver Stompers and Angelica Padilla, who sang to the audience and serenaded Father Bartholomew.

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Homicide near San Vicente trail head

On July 4, 2024 at approximately 0910 hours, Officers were dispatched to Mountain View Road near the San Vicente trail head in reference to an unattended death.

Upon arrival Officers had contact with the reporting party who located the deceased male. Officers observed a male lying on the ground on his right side in a fetal position facing in a westbound direction. Officers identified the male as Efrem Duran (43 years of age Silver City, N.M.). Officers observed what appeared to be blood on the lower portion of his face and on the ground.

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