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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}By Lynn Janes
The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting on November 18, 2024, at Central Elementary School in Santa Clara. Board members in attendance included Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana and David Terrazas. Superintendent Michael Koury, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia did not attend.
Begay started the meeting by congratulating the girls volleyball team and their state championship win. Terrazas said he had watched it online and they played a phenomenal game. He added it had been the first time Cobre had gone to the state championships. Guadiana said he had been watching the games and had watched the girls grow from being a strong team to and even stronger one. It had been a testament to their coaches and their willingness. "You guys are incredible, and it was the most exciting sports at Cobre this year." He congratulated them and said second place is still an honor.
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
Monday morning saw a large influx of family members and friends at the swearing in ceremony at the Grant County Administration Center. Most chairs were filled, as District 2 Magistrate Judge Hector Grijalva swore in the re-elected County Treasurer Patrick Cohn, the newly elected Clerk Connie Holguin, newly elected District 3 County Commissioner Nancy Stephens, newly elected District 4 Commissioner Eddie Flores, newly elected District 5 Commissioner Harry Browne, and NM District 28 Senator Gabriel Ramos. Incumbent NM District 39 Rep. Luis Terrazas arrived too late for the ceremony, so he will be sworn in on the House Floor at the upcoming 60-day Legislative session.
Norm Wheeler and Judge Jarod Hofacket before Wheeler was sworn in as DA
Wheeler being sworn in as NM Sixth Judicial District Attorney
Photos and article by Lynn Janes
Many in the community came together to witness the swearing in of Norm Wheeler as the new district attorney. Wheeler will be starting his term on January 1, 2025. Sixth Judicial District Judge Jarod Hofacket swore Wheeler into the District Attorney position. Before he was sworn in, Wheeler thanked everyone for their support and invited them to a get together.
Wheeler will replace Michael Renteria as the district attorney, after having been elected in the November 5, 2024 election. Wheeler will serve a term of four years and can be reelected to the office at that time.
Author’s note: It’s the policy of the courthouse to not allow cameras or phones in the courthouse and the writer had been initially denied the right to have a camera for the event. Later before the ceremony ,Judge Hofacket granted special permission to bring a camera in.
Courtesy of Mitchell Clinton Photography for Tour of the Gila
Tour of the Gila Registration Opens New Years Day
Iconic Stage Race Set for April 23-27, 2025
Silver City, NM — For the 38th year, Tour of the Gila invites competitive bicyclists to challenge themselves on scenic mountain roads throughout southwest New Mexico. The five-day stage race based out of Silver City is set for Wednesday, April 23, through Sunday, April 27, 2025. Registration opens on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
Tour of the Gila will again be sanctioned by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), and qualifying teams will receive invitations to compete in 2025. For amateur competitors, Tour of the Gila offers four USA Cycling-sanctioned races as well as citizen races that allow recreational athletes to join the fun.
By Mary Alice Murphy
The purpose of the Grant County Commission special meeting on July 25, 2024 was to hear the details of the final budget for fiscal year 2025 and approve it as well as the fourth quarter FY24 financial report and to consider the budget adjustments for the 2024 approved budget.
With no public input, then-Finance Director Robert Placencio presented the details of the final FY25 budget to be submitted to the state for approval.
Placencio said he had submitted the preliminary FY25 budget prior to the June 1 deadline, and this final budget took into account the final numbers as of the end of FY24.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Fred Fox opened the meeting.
He commented on the ribbon cutting for the grand opening of the Women and Newborn department, which had taken place immediately prior to the meeting. "It's beautiful up there."
He recognized several hospital staff members for their years of service:
[Editor's Note: First date corrected. I missed it, how many of you did?]
By Roger Lanse
On Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024, at about 6:57 p.m., a Silver City Police Department officer was dispatched to an unwanted subject call at 512 29th Street. The Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority advised that Robert Maldonado, (45, of Silver City), was in the residence, and he has a criminal trespass warning and an order of protection at that location. GCRDA also advised that the reporting party observed Maldonado on his doorbell camera and stated Maldonado, the victim's brother, does not have a key to the residence.
By Mary Alice Murphy
[Editor's Note: This author did not get some of the names of speakers.]
This Silver City Town Council work session took place on July 16, 2024, at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center in anticipation of many people wishing to give public input on downtown issues.
The first section of the event covered the public input and the second brought Council discussion. Councilor and Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano led both sections with a break in between.
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