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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a work session meeting February 3, 2025. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Nicholas Prince, Rudy Bencomo and Stan Snider.
They started the meeting out with public input on the proposed notice of intent to adopt an ordinance for the citizens' advisory board. Ladner let them know they each had three minutes to make their statement. He asked them to make the comments brief and to the point.
Police Chief Freddie Portillo spoke to the council and thanked them for the opportunity to speak. He reminded the community the police work for them and having a good working relationship and gathering community input would be invaluable. "The community does and always will come first. However, I do not support this notice of intent." The community as a whole provides oversight.
Traffic Alert – Roadway closure expected to last 30 minutes
SILVER CITY - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One, in partnership with Mountain States Constructors, Inc., is widening U.S. 180 from a 2-lane to a 4-lane road from Bayard to Hurley.
Crews have planned a rock blast for today Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 12 p.m. U.S. 180 will be closed from Lusk St. to the Bayard Cemetery at milepost 125.8. Please expect delays. These closures are expected to last 30 minutes but no longer than 1 hour.
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
[Photographer's Note: I didn't get everyone this year. I was so focused on getting chocolates that I only got about half the vendor participants. Sorry!]
The annual and much awaited Chocolate Fantasia took place at businesses in downtown Silver City on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025. The event, with the theme of Mochaccino this year, put on by Mimbres Region Arts Council, this year by volunteers, raises funds for the organization to provide events in town. This year, 22 businesses provided a venue for the chocolates, all handmade, some by the businesses themselves, and others by volunteer chocolatiers.
The event had downtown Silver City bustling with lots of people, local and visitors, alike.
By Mary Alice Murphy
Toward the beginning of the Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees monthly meeting on Jan. 22, 2024, Chair Dr. Fred Fox commented that he, the GRMC Chief Executive Officer Robert Whitaker and others would attend the Grant County Days the following week at the 2025 Legislative Session in Santa Fe.
"We will be advocating for heath care in the county and there's been some recent developments that might help move us in appropriate directions," Fox said while not explaining the recent developments.
From left are Grant County 4-H Parliamentary Procedure team members Laney Lopez, Braelyn Rodriguez, Tanner Frost, Ethan Greeman, Chris Bennett and Bella Lopez.
Alamogordo, NM – January 25, 2025 – Grant County 4-H members demonstrated their exceptional skills in parliamentary procedure at the 2025 New Mexico State Parliamentary Procedure Contest held in Alamogordo, NM, on January 25. The team, consisting of Laney Lopez, Braelyn Rodriguez, Ethan Greeman, Chris Bennett, Tanner Frost, and Bella Lopez, secured a prestigious 4th place finish in the state competition, showcasing their hard work, dedication, and teamwork.
The State Parliamentary Procedure Contest challenges 4-H teams to demonstrate their understanding and application of parliamentary procedures, a set of rules used in meetings and decision-making processes. Contestants must not only master the technical aspects of parliamentary procedure but also work together efficiently and effectively to make decisions in a competitive and time-sensitive environment.
We’re pleased to announce that US 180 is now open near Hurley.
The road was closed on Friday, January 31, 2025, for the demolition of the Hurley Bridge. Crews working around the clock completed the demolition ahead of schedule reopening US 180 on Sunday evening. Please be aware that Lime Quarry Rd has a new traffic pattern in place, caution is advised as you travel through the area.
[Editor's Note: This is part 6 and the final part of the Grant County Commission January 7, 2025 work session and Jan. 9, 2025 regular meetings. This continues the work session review of the regular meeting agenda and actions taken at the regular meeting.]
[Editor's Note 2: due to tech issues on the grantcountynm.gov website and this author being unable to access the packet items, several numbers such as expenditure report, extraordinary expenditures report and health care claims numbers will not be published this month.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
Grant County Manager Charlene Webb continued with the review of the Jan. 9, 2025 regular meeting agenda. The first item after elected officials' reports was the consent agenda, which included minutes to the Dec. 17, 2024 work session and Dec. 19, 2024 regular meeting, health care claims and the expenditure report ending Jan. 2, 2025.
She explained that the consent agenda would consist of items that are regular business monthly and do not usually require discussion, but "do require approval no matter what." But if any of the commissioners wanted more detail, she would be happy to provide them.
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Consolidated Schools held a work session and regular meeting January 20, 2025. Members in attendance included Ashley Montenegro, Michelle Diaz, Patrick Cohn, Mike McMillan and Kimberly Klement. Superintendent William Hawkins also attended.
Work session
Mark Valenzuela, managing principal Bosque Advisors, LLC., joined the meeting online to provide the final terms of the certificates for the general obligation (GO) bonds. Silver Consolidated schools had qualified for the 37 percent to the 63 percent match but by increasing the local property tax to a 10 mill levy they could qualify for more than a 37 percent match. By increasing the property tax to a 10 mill levy it raised the local property taxes 4.5 mills from what it had been. Property owners will see that increase this year.
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